As the bitter cold of January and February has driven everyone indoors, Wylie High artists have stayed busy with their preparations for the VASE (Visual Arts Scholastic Event) competition. On Feb. 20, many Wylie High school art students took their pieces and showed off all their hard work.
This multimedia competition allows every artist to participate, regardless of their preferred medium, and many of these skilled students devote large quantities of time to their pieces, as well as the other aspects of work that go into the event.
“I know I spent seven hours a day on it, and that for like a week,” Hannah Wyeth (12) said.
But Wyeth isn’t the only one who devotes significant time to VASE.
“Most people have spent a long time working on their pieces,” Wyeth said.
But that isn’t all–VASE and also includes a written portion.
“The paperwork did not take long. It’s just answering a couple questions about the piece…like why you made it and what it means,” Wyeth said.
At the actual competition, VASE participants must recap and expound upon their answers in the daunting interview portion.
“Interviews can be anywhere from five to like forty five minutes. Depends on your interviewer and how it goes. I had two interviews, one of them was six minutes long… and a… twenty minute interview,” Wyeth said.
But despite all the different factors that play into the preparation for the competition, despite the hours of work spent on the pieces, it is still a unique opportunity.
“It’s worth it. It’s a fun experience,” Wyeth said.
VASE Art: How Artists Prepare for the Biggest Competition of the Year
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