e the opening of Wylie East High School in 2009, a rivalry has permeated the relationship between the two schools. Since the schools share travel buses and a football stadium, a healthy competition has flourished. But even before Wylie East opened, a culture of competition and rivalry was present.
However, Alise Lavastida, a teacher who graduated from Wylie High School in 2005, and has taught here for three years, claims that the rivalry–then between Wylie High and Highland Park–was, “not as publicized as things are now… in 2005, we didn’t have social media… we barely even had MySpace.”
The prevalence of the rivalry, in Lavastida’s mind, was directly tied to social media. But the proximity of Wylie East, and the shared resources between the two schools, give the rivalry a different energy.
“[There was] a lot of hate between [the schools] when I was in school, like us at Highland Park and vice versa versus now. We have a rivalry, but…It’s all a good fight.. it’s in good spirit,” Lavastida said.
The dynamic has continued to evolve throughout even just the past few years. A point system was added in the 2022-2023 school year, and announcements about such games are made frequently.
“The point system isn’t widely broadcasted… but I will say that the announcements… and pep rallies… [are] the key factor in upping the student support,” school mascot, Emily Reese (12) said.
As this year’s Crosstown Showdown kicks into high gear with the recent volleyball game and the upcoming football game, it is clear that a unique anticipation hangs over those participating, and the entirety of the school.
When asked if she noted a different energy at the Crosstown volleyball game, Reese said “Oh, for sure… There was a lot more excitement… a lot more cheering section rivalry.”
Throughout the years of the rivalries that Wylie High School has formed, one thing seems to have stayed consistent: the increased level of spirit around the events. Be it the Highland Park rivalry of the early 2000’s or today’s Crosstown showdowns, Wylie is always willing to get excited about one of these special opportunities.
History of the Crosstown Showdown
Crosstown Volleyball Game