With every passing year, students mature and gain a different perspective on school. Classes increase in difficulty, friendships brew, interests change. Each grade comes with its own perks and responsibilities that shape us into functional adults.
Freshman Year can be nerve-racking for ninth graders moving into a new facility. At Wylie High, the middle schools’ Mcmillan and Cooper mesh into one grade. Freshman year is typically considered the easiest year academically, although the transition between schools can be difficult. It’s uncommon, but ninth graders have the ability to take Dual Credit/AP classes to maximize their GPA.
“I like 9th grade because I can meet people from Cooper,” Marshall Pickens (10) said.
By Sophomore year, students have adjusted to the groove of high school. Some tenth graders may experience the “Sophomore Slump”, a period in which students feel aimless, waning excitement, or struggle academically. This grade is a great time to start thinking about plans outside high school. Some kids gain the ability to drive which comes with massive amounts of freedom and responsibility.
“You learn a lot more coming into your sophomore vs freshman year,” Colby Schlensker (10) said.
11th graders are given a lot more freedom, allowing them to go off campus and the option for a zero hour. Around this time, many students who acquire their first job must learn how to balance work with school. Juniors and seniors can go to prom towards the end of the year.
“Junior year is my favorite because I can eat wherever I want during lunch,” Cameron Carter (11) said.
During 12th grade many students who have met the required guidelines, choose to have a very short schedule. Senior slump, very similar to Sophomore Slump, describes a lack of motivation twelfth graders may experience due to the nearing end of their academic career. Many Twelfth-Year students tour colleges they have interest in.
“The pros of Senior Year are you don’t have to do a whole lot. You can take many off periods. A con is you get the sense that things are ending,” Benjamin Stowell (12) said.
There’s something to look forward to every year so why not have an optimistic view?
What’s Your Favorite Year?
Front view of Wylie High School