Choosing the themes for the homecoming parade floats is a collaborative process among all participating school clubs and organizations. Every group has unique concepts to showcase, whether it’s school spirit, creativity, or trendy styles.
Picking a theme usually requires careful thought regarding the school’s history and local traditions. For instance, if the school is celebrating a significant anniversary, a theme that honors that history will be appropriate.
“We met with our senior class officers first and discussed what our priority was… after that we met with just the senior part of STUCO and there we were able to talk to them and figure out what their ideas were… and make our float based off of that,” Zion Tesfaye (12) said.
Floats are constructed when students come together, collaboration towards a common objective also fosters a sense of togetherness. As time has passed, the floats have evolved into a means for the school to demonstrate its enthusiasm and showcase the creativity and dedication of each student.
“We decide as a team and figure out what’s best, team captain’s pitch the ideas.” Colby Schlensker (10) said.
Watching colorful floats pass by during the homecoming parade, reflect on the dedication and collaboration that were put into each one. What sets it apart is not only the actual item, but also the bond formed through mutual experiences.
The Heart of Homecoming
Seniors theme, “Y3K”, for student council at homecoming parade.