On September 19, Wylie High’s very own “Pirate Players” started the year off with their first of their annual “Backyard Performance Series” of their 4 for the year. Which happens to take place at the restaurant “BackYard Murphy.”
“It’s an opportunity for theatre and other organizations to get together to watch people perform and show their talents and passion in a relaxed intimate setting. It’s a great way to bring together communities and an amazing chance to perform and watch amazing performances,” said Owen Nunn (12) Social Chair of the Theatre Department
The performance’s are open to all of the public, not just students in theatre. Even parents are encouraged to join their kids and perform like Emma Rains and her father did at the recent BackYard.
“Me and my dad thought it would be fun to perform at Backyard. We thought it would be a really good bonding experience, and I really love singing with my dad,” said Emma Rains (12), ”Backyard is a good performing experience for everyone. Whether you’re experienced or inexperienced in performing. It gives you a feel of the stage. The audience is in a very warm and welcoming environment.”
Make sure to support the Wylie High School’s theatre at Backyard, 217 FM 544, Murphy, Texas 75094, on Oct. 29, Nov, 19, and Dec. 10 of this school year. All students are encouraged to come and enjoy performances that have been worked hard on for the benefit of the program.
History of Wylie High’s Theatre BackYard
Morgan McQueen does a homecoming proposal to fellow theatre member Bethany Moses which shows how Backyard is a place where everyone just bonds and remembers their more than just there people.