On August 16, 2024, ROTC had their meet the core night. Parents of new and previous cadets come out to meet the core, chain of command, sarge and cornel, and booster club members.
“It’s great. It’s like a family that I’ve missed,” said Jayleigh Shadden (09).
Food was provided for the guests, introductions were made by each chain of command members who helped run and keep order in the program. The Sarge and Colonel gave the new joining members a few words of encouragement and further detail to the parents and their cadet just what expectations they have for them in the future.
Their booster club members showed just how much effort they put into supporting all and every fellow cadet in the program, providing the best they can for them, and showed their appreciation to all new coming parents and their cadets.

“I think it’s pretty alright, I’m glad my mom gets to meet all these people that I’m hanging out with everyday,” said Eli Thornburgh (09).
Since then 4 weeks have passed by, giving the new cadets time to settle in and grasp better the expectations in the core and a somewhat feeling of their new daily routine at school. On Tuesday, September 3rd, the core had their first uniform day.
“It was good. I wore it with pride and got to see who else was in ROTC,” said Jayleigh (09).
She and others in the core were given a new responsibility that day, to wear their uniform with pride, integrity, and respect. But not only is that expected when they are in uniform but as well when out of it too, with themselves and others.
“I’ve been more honest,” said Eli (09).
The uniform is not the only thing that shapes the person, but the family they are a part of too. This year’s first-years are more than ready and prepared to take on any challenge and expectation given to them to prove themselves worthy of being a AFJROTC cadet of Wylie High School.